Welcome to the WMU Libraries' subject guide for News and Current Events!
We have many news sources available online through the University Libraries. This guide will help you select among these resources.
Use the tabs on the left of the page to help navigate through this guide.
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Today's News
Go to the General News Sources tab and check out one of the Directories or Network News for an online newspaper, TV or radio news source. Coverage is not as complete as the news sources in the next category nor can you search as precisely.
In-Depth Coverage of Recent News?
Use the Core news sources under General News Sources. Full text articles are available for the newspapers that WMU Libraries purchase.
Michigan and Local News - Links under the Michigan and Local News tab to various Michigan, Kalamazoo and WMU news resources.
International News - Indexes to sources of international news.
Historical Information
1. Daily Newspapers
It helps to know the date or date range of the event you are researching. Most historical newspapers provide a date range
2. Weekly News Summaries
Weekly summaries of news events are available online or in print and can be useful for researching past events.
Facts on File 1940-present.
Covers the whole world, but with emphasis on the US.
Keesing's Contemporary Archives (after 1987: Keesing's Record of World Events) 1931-present.
D 410. K4 (Ref)
Covers the whole world, but with emphasis on Great Britain.