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GIST 1000: US-China Trade Dispute: Political and Economic Side Effects on ASEAN Nations

Europa Plus Database for the BIG Picture

Search for your country in Europa to get a solid, up-to-date synopsis of your nation. 

Select your country in the upper right hand side of the page.  Once you have read up on your country, click on the Country Statistics link on the left, and then select External Trade for some reliable statistics.

Contact your Nation's Embassy in Washington, DC!

You might consider contacting the embassy of your country in Washington, DC, for trade information and statistics. The sites should all have a "Contact" link.  Identify yourself as a student at Western Michigan University, what course you are taking, and the reason you are requesting the information. It might be an interesting experience.

Trade Statistics

Trade statistics, including exports and imports, will be challenging to find, especially recent statistics.  Typically, international statistics take a while to be compiled. 

You might try some Google searches on your own countries.

  • "united states census" "trade in goods" laos  (name of your ASEAN country)
  • philippines monthly exports
  • indonesia "trade statistics" china
  • vietnam "trade statistics" "united states"

Meet Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Carrie Leatherman
Office: Waldo Library Room 1048 (First Floor)
Office Phone: (269) 387-5142

Home Pages for World Governments

Use the government home page of your nation to find up-to-date information from the government, press releases, speeches of government officials, and possibly some trade information.

Also run Google searches such as these:

  • "press release" Thailand china trade
  • speech cambodia trade

Newspaper and Journal Articles