Welcome to the WMU Libraries' class guide for PSCI 1050: Critical Thinking About Politics. This guide includes information resources to help you find scholarly journal articles and newspaper articles to help you complete your research assignment
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Here are the databases I would recommend in for international affairs in political science:
1851 to date. Does not include Crosswords and Times Insider.
FIRST: Register for an Academic Pass.
First time registrants MUST use their @wmich.edu email addresses to register for an Academic Pass. Your Academic Pass is good for 364 days from the date you activate it; after it expires you can re-register using the registration link above for a new pass for 364 days.
NEXT: Log in here with your WMU account.
Mobile APPS: Your Academic Pass includes access to the New York Times via the NYTimes smartphone and tablet apps.; these are included as part of the Academic Pass and are available here.
Because of their currency, with some being published daily, newspapers are a good source for current world events.
(Courtesy of Protoplasma Kid; Wikimedia Commons)