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PSCI 3040: American Public Policy

Library Search for Books

Library Search is the search box on the Libraries home page, at 

Use the  Advanced Search feature of Library Search to find books on your topic in the WMU collection.

If you already know the title or author, use the pull-down arrow to select Title or Author.

When looking for books by topic, enter your keyword(s) into the search boxes.

  • SEARCH TIP:  If you are using a phrase in your search, be sure and put it in quotation marks, e.g., "health insurance"
  • SEARCH TIP:  Use an asterisk  *  to pick up variant endings of a word, e.g., politi* will retrieve politics, political, politician, politicization, etc.

Explore Beyond WMU Libraries

Use MelCat and WorldCat to identify pertinent resources "out there" that are not owned by the WMU Libraries.  You can request items directly through MelCat and through Interlibrary Loan from WorldCat. We will borrow the book(s) from another library and the service is FREE to you.

Meet Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Carrie Leatherman
Office: Waldo Library Room 1048 (First Floor)
Office Phone: (269) 387-5142