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THEA 3700: Theatre History: Global Performance

About Library of Congress Call Numbers

The WMU Libraries uses the Library of Congress (LC) classification for its books.  Because of its peculiarities, you can rarely search in just ONE place for books on your topic.  Use the catalog to identify books, and if you see a pattern emerging in call numbers, then you can go browse in that area in the stacks.

Most history books:

  • Call numbers begin D, E, F
  • Located on second floor of Waldo Library.

Most books on theatre and literature:

  • Call numbers begin P
  • Located on first floor of Waldo Library.

Finding books in other libraries

In local libraries
Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo Public, Portage District

In Michigan
MeLCat Catalog - request books for delivery to WMU

WorldCat - search libraries worldwide and request for delivery to WMU


Books and Media @ WMU