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ATYP 1010: Honors English 10

Information to help students in the ATYP classes research their critical papers.

MLA Resources

Official MLA Style Guides

Works Cited: A Quick Guide - From the MLA Style Guide. A practice template is also provided.
Citations by Format If you are confident citing a book source but aren't sure how to cite a movie, website, etc, check out this page on the MLA Style Guide. 

Citation Information on Item Record

Parts of a citation:

1. Title

2. Authors

3. Journal Title, Year, volume (issue), page numbers

4. DOI

5. Permalink

Citation Information circled on a screenshot

MLA Style Citation for a Journal Article

MLA Format

Last, First, and First Last. "Title of Article." Title of Journal, vol. #, no. #, Year, pp. #-#. DOI.


Gottvall, Maria, et al. "Post‐migration Psychosocial Experiences and Challenges Amongst LGBTQ+ Forced Migrants: A Meta‐synthesis of Qualitative Reports." Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 79, no.1, 2023, pp. 358–71.


  • The first author's name is structured as last name, first name. Following authors are listed as first name last name.
    • If there are 3 or more authors, only list the first author followed by et al. (Latin for "and others").
  • The title of the article is in Title Case
  • The title of the journal is in italics and Title Case
  • The volume number is noted with vol.
  • The issue number is noted with no.
  • Only the year is included for academic journal articles
  • Page numbers are noted with pp.
    • Omit the first sets of repeated digits. Pages 225 to 251 would be notated as pp. 225-51
    • A single page is notated as a single p.
  • The DOI can be formatted as a link ( or as a number (DOI: 10.1111/jan.15480). If there is no DOI, use a permalink from the Library Search item record or the database you found it in.
  • Create a half-inch hanging indent

Citation Style Guides

Check out our Citing Sources Guide for helpful resources on how to cite your sources in APA, MLA, and Chicago formats. Purdue OWL and Excelsior College OWL also have helpful guides for each style with examples. Always check with your instructor on what style they want you to use and if there are any specific modifications they would like.

If you're still unsure of how to cite something, contact a librarian.

How do I...?

Click on the question you have and the link should guide you to the answer on MLA's website.

For more information, check out MLA's FAQ Page. 

How do I cite...?

Q: YouTube videos?

Q: Social media?

Q: Sources in a web project?

Q: A poem with no line numbers?

Q: The main idea of a work?

Q: A virtual poetry reading?

Q: An illustrator of a children's book?

Q: A paper presented at a virtual conference?

Q: My own work?

Q: An open educational resource (OER)?

How-To Videos