Westlaw's research service redesigned for students. Legal sources, including the Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Register, United States Code Annotated (USCA), Federal and State court cases, American Law Reports (ALR), American Jurisprudence 2d, Black's Law Dictionary, Legal Guides, and more. Also includes more than 700 law reviews and journals.
Citations sent using Westlaw's email option do not provide a permalink that can be used to link directly to a case. Users are encouraged to log into Westlaw and then search for the citation(s) received via email, and when sending cases, to select the radio button for "documents" instead of "list of items" when using the email option.
Added January 3, 2014.
Full-text access to over 10,000 news, business, and legal sources, including both deep archive and up-to-the-minute stories in regional, national, and international newspapers, wire services, broadcast transcripts, and non-English language news services. Company Dossier can be used to retrieve detailed company information and financial performance measures, or to identify and compare companies matching specific criteria. Also included is Shepard's Citations service for all federal and state court cases 1789-present.
NOTE: Users must register for a NexisUni account using their WMU email address in order to save content and searches on this platform.
Title: law.com Law/legal dictionary online Real life dictionary of the law.
Title: FedLaw Search the U.S. Code, and Federal laws, U.S. state and territorial laws, and Laws of other nations, treaties and international law, law schools and law libraries, and attorney and legal profession directories.
Title: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Title: Legal Information Institute Created at Cornell University's Law School, the more subdued Legal Information Institute takes a potentially overwhelming number of links to resources on all aspects of US law and manages them in a simple, easy-to-grasp format using logical legal categories and subcategories with succinct pull-down menus.
Title: LegalTrac Indexes and provides some full text of articles in law reviews, law journals, bar association journals, international legal journals and legal newspapers. Coverage: 1980-present.
Title: LexisNexis Academic Indexes thousands of domestic and foreign newspapers, as well as journals, and other publications in News, Business company reports and articles, Legal Research, Medical and Reference. The legal research category includes law reviews, law news, federal and state laws and cases. Mostly full text. Includes Hoover's full text. Coverage dates vary.
Title: Office of Special Education & Early Intervention Services (Michigan Department of Education) The Office of Special Education and Early Intervention Services (OSE-EIS) oversees the administrative funding of education and early intervention programs and services for young children and students with disabilities. Early intervention services are coordinated for infants and toddlers (birth through age two) with disabilities and their families according to federal regulations and state standards.
Title: US Congress Status and full text of bills in the House and Senate, also access to the Congressional Record, committee reports, and voting records of members of Congress.
Title: U.S. Department of Education Site highlights publications, programs, policy, federal education legislation, funding programs, and news at the department.
Title: Yearbook of Education Law Ref KF 4102.5 .Y4 (ERC) Published annually, this yearbook follows current education law trends, cases, and issues. Current edition in Reference collection. The previous editions are shelved in the general stacks.
Lady Justice equipped with three symbols: a sword symbolizing the court's coercive power; a human scale weighing competing claims in each hand; and a blindfold indicating impartiality.
(Sculpture by John Massey Rhind, Shelby County Courthouse, Memphis, TN; attributed to Einar Einarsson Kvaran; Wikimedia Commons)