Search by food item, group, or list to find the nutrient information for your food items.
Legacy information now integrated into FoodData Central located at USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference.
The Evidence Analysis Library, from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics provides information on research and practice guidelines. Full text articles referenced on this website may be found in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. (WMU Libraries has full text access to this journal from 1995 to the present).
Research-based nutrition information and clinical tools for dietitians, dietetic technicians, and other health care professionals.
This subscription is limited to five simultaneous users. Please log out when finished.
Indexes journals in nursing and related fields with full-text for 1,300 of them. From 1954 to the present. Updated weekly.
Indexes scholarly literature in the natural and social sciences. Use this to get extensive inter-disciplinary access to journal articles and also to find out which articles are being cited by other scholars . Cited references from 1970-present, records from 1788-present.
NOTE: WMU users do not have access to SciVal through Scopus
Is the National Library of Medicine's interface for searching MEDLINE, the major index to medical research, from clinical medicine to cellular and biomolecular biology. Free citations and abstracts, limited full-text. Coverage from 1893 to Current. Updated weekly.
If you get an error message when logging into your personal account through WMU, please clear your browser history or use an incognito window.
This is the core index in the field of Education. Includes citations with abstracts for over 2,000 journals and more than 450,000 reports in education and related fields.Covers 1966-present. This database is also available from the US government.
This is the most comprehensive ABI/INFORM database, comprised of ABI/INFORM Global, ABI/INFORM Trade and Industry, ABI/INFORM Dateline and ABI/INFORM Archive, featuring thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, key business and economics periodicals such as the Economist, country- and industry-focused reports, and downloadable data. Its international coverage gives researchers a complete picture of companies and business trends around the world.
A guide to the definitions and steps used in the nutrition care process: Assessment, Diagnosis, Intervention, Monitoring & Evaluation from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (A.N.D.). To access the guide click on the "eNCPT" link on the top toolbar.
This subscription is limited to three simultaneous users. Please log out when finished.
ClinicalKey, which replaces and contains most of the content from MD Consult, is an online search tool which brings answers from the largest collection of published medical resources in every medical and surgical specialty, and includes all MEDLINE abstracts with medical and surgical content from Elsevier. It contains comprehensive content with the most current, evidence-based answers available for all medical and surgical specialties, including over 1,000 top books, over 500 top journals and over 13,000 procedural videos.
Users who capture URLs from the Email Citations feature in ClinicalKey may have issues connecting to ClinicalKey resources from off campus with those URLs. The Email Citations URL includes a # sign, which breaks the URL and sends the user to the main ClinicalKey search page instead of to the resource. ClinicalKey is currently working on restructuring their URLs in order to fix this issue. The persistent links will work, but only if users are already logged into ClinicalKey through the proxy. Off-campus users who add the proxy prepend to links from emailed citations should make sure they are logged into ClinicalKey before copying and pasting their links into the address bar.