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GEOG 3400: Tourism of Global Culture

Finding data about your destination

U.S. locations: Census Data

Note: The US Census Bureau collects demographic and other information about locations within the US. This data is typically about the residents of a city, not about city institutions or visitors to the city. Think about questions you can ask about a destination that have to do with the lives of the people who live there.

Big cities: tourism data on Statista

To browse tourism statistics:

  1. Select the Statistics tab along the top
  2. Choose the category "Travel, Tourism & Hospitality"

screenshot from Statista

To search by country:

  1. Select the Reports tab along the top
  2. Choose the category "Country & Region reports

screenshot from Statista

Outside the U.S.

More general data search tools


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Micaela Carignano
1050 Waldo Library