Note: The US Census Bureau collects demographic and other information about locations within the US. This data is typically about the residents of a city, not about city institutions or visitors to the city. Think about questions you can ask about a destination that have to do with the lives of the people who live there.
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Provides access to more than 90 billion data points from dozens of licensed and public domain datasets. Scan the contents of the collection, select subjects and variables of interest, and view your data in side-by-side tables and charts. Results are instantaneous and can be easily exported.
Now includes State Stats, formerly on the Sage Stats platform
Provides access to and archives of social science data. Areas of research range from crime, to economic indicators, to consumer behavior, and health information. Members of the Western Michigan community are eligible to access and download the data. When accessing certain data, users will be asked to either break out of the proxy and log in with their Google or Facebook account, or remain inside the proxy and create/log in with a MyData account here.