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Tutorial: Using the Library Level 2 for Humanities and Social Sciences COM 6010

How to access materials beyond WMU

Borrow and Request

This page has information on how to place a hold on an item for pick up and shipping to outside Kalamazoo/Portage.

Borrowing Policy

This page has information on how many items you can borrow.

Document Delivery

You can also request PDFs of book chapters or articles that we currently own using an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Request.

Borrowing From Other Libraries

This page has information on how to place an ILL Request and find books through MeLCat.

Syncing Google Scholar to WMU Collections

How to set up Google Scholar to Search Databases 

  • Click the three bars in the in the upper left hand corner of Google Scholar
  • Go down to Settings
  • Choose Library Links 
  • Search for Western Michigan University
  • Select Western Michigan University - WMU Article Linker
    • Ignore School of Medicine Options. 
  • Select Open WorldCat
  • Save Settings
  • A link to WMU Article Linker will appear on the right hand side of the results list for those articles that are available through WMU Libraries databases

Why Use Google Scholar?  •	Broaden search to what is not indexed in databases owned by WMU libraries •	Easy natural language search •	Quick citation count to weigh the impact factor of an article •	Quick links to citing literature •	Easy to do a thorough/extensive review of the literature •	Quick proxy links to full text articles via WMU databases •	Create an account to set up alerts for different searches Caveat: There is an increasing number of grey literature showing up in Google Scholar.  Be sure to assess the source of the material. How to set up Google Scholar to Search Databases  •	Click Settings gear in the upper right hand part of the screen •	Choose Library Links (on left). •	Search  "Western Michigan University". •	Check "Western Michigan University (Find it@WMU)” •	Check Open WorldCat •	Save Settings •	A link to "Find it@WMU" should now appear on the right hand side of the results list for those citations that are available from the Libraries.  •	h/extensive review of the literature •	Quick proxy links to full text articles via WMU databases •	Create an account to set up alerts for different searches Caveat: There is an increasing number of grey literature showing up in Google Scholar.  Be sure to assess the source of the material. How to set up Google Scholar to Search Databases  •	Click Settings gear in the upper right hand part of the screen •	Choose Library Links (on left). •	Search  "Western Michigan University". •	Check "Western Michigan University (Find it@WMU)” •	Check Open WorldCat •	Save Settings •	A link to "Find it@WMU" should now appear on the right hand side of the results list for those citations that are available from the Libraries.