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This is a guide to library resources in the field of psychology.

Psychology-Related Books

Book Reviews

Finding Books in Other Libraries

Browsing for Print Books in Waldo Library

The quickest and easiest way to find books about a psychology-related topic, is to use Library Search, the search box on the home page of the Libraries website.

But if you're Interested in browsing the shelves in Waldo Library for a print book on a psychology, take a look at the call number ranges below. Once you find a topic of interest, note the call number range, and then go to the shelving area in Waldo Library that contains those books. Not sure where a call number range is? Take a look at the floor plan maps, with locations of call number ranges, in the "Finding your way around" section on Waldo Library info page.


Psychology-related topics and their call number ranges:

  • BF 1-940 Psychology
  • BF 173-175 Psychoanalysis
  • BF 180-210 Experimental psychology
  • BF 231-299 Sensation. Aesthesiology
  • BF 309-499 Cognition. Perception. Intuition
  • BF 501-504.3 Motivation
  • BF 511-593 Emotion
  • BF 608-635 Will. Choice
  • BF 636-637 Applied psychology
  • BF 660-685 Comparative psychology
  • BF 698-698.9 Personality
  • BF 699-711 Genetic psychology-- Including psychology of mental development or evolution in the individual or in the race
  • BF 712-725.85 Developmental psychology
  • BF 721-223 Child psychology
  • BF 795-839.5 Temperament. Character
  • BF 840-861 Physiognomy
  • BF 866-885 Graphology
  • BF 889-905 The hand. Palmistry
  • BF 1001-1389 Parapsychology-- Including hallucinations, sleep, dreams, hypnotism, telepathy, spiritualism, mediumship, clairvoyance, telekinesis
  • BF 1404-1999 Occult sciences-- Including ghosts, demonology, witchcraft, astrology, oracles, fortune-telling.

Call number ranges for related topics:

  • For ethnic psychology, see GN
  • For social psychology, see HM
  • Religion and religions are found under BL, BM, BP, BQ, BR, BS, BT, BV, and BX,


Library of Congress Classification System Call numbers

All of these call number ranges above are derived from the Library of Congress (LOC) Classification System, the system most academic libraries use to arrange their print materials, like books. For more information about how LOC system categorizes subjects, see their Library of Congress Classification Outline.

Contact Your Librarian

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Carrie Leatherman
Office: Waldo Library Room 1048 (First Floor)
Office Phone: (269) 387-5142