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Reading Call Numbers

Dewey Decimal System (DDS)

Public and school libraries often use the Dewey Decimal System, organized by genre and author last name. However, Waldo Library also uses the Dewey Decimal System for our Children's Literature Collection on the second floor.

Codes for Children's Books

The Children's & Young Adult Collection is classified into 5 major areas:

  • E  - Easy books

Mostly picture books, Pre-K-3rd grade

  • BR - Beginning Readers

48- to 64-page books intended for young readers, K-2nd grade

  • Fic -  Fiction books

Chapter books and novels for students in 4th-12th grades

  • Non-fic - Non-fiction books Arranged by Dewey Decimal number, from 001 to 999
  • Caldecott & Newbery Award books

A reference collection of the Caldecott and Newbery award-winning books arranged by year.

Fiction Example

For example, If you were looking for "I Love My Hair" by Natasha Anastasia Tarpley, here is what the record for it would look like on our library website:

You'll notice the bright pink lines are placed right beneath the call number. Just two lines! We know that "E" means Easy Reader, and Tar is the first three letters of the author's last name, Tarpley.

Now we just head to the second floor to find the book. 

At the top of the shelves you will see placards with call number ranges on them, as pictured below.

Go down the appropriate aisle and browse the call numbers until you find the call number range you need.

Find the right call number and check out the book!