Last, First, and First Last. "Title of Article." Title of Journal, vol. #, no. #, Year, pp. #-#. DOI.
Gottvall, Maria, et al. "Post‐migration Psychosocial Experiences and Challenges Amongst LGBTQ+ Forced Migrants: A Meta‐synthesis of Qualitative Reports." Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 79, no.1, 2023, pp. 358–71.
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages.
Gottvall, M., Brunell, C., Eldebo, A., Metso, F. J., Jirwe, M., & Carlsson, T. (2023). Post‐migration psychosocial experiences and challenges amongst LGBTQ+ forced migrants: A meta‐synthesis of qualitative reports. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 79(1), 358–371.
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