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GEOG 2560: Introduction to Urban, Regional & Environmental Planning

Finding news sources

Find your city's local newspaper

Look up specific titles in Library Search

If you already know what newspaper you want to use, the easiest way to access it is to look it up in Library Search

Use Google to find news

Use the news filter at the top of your Google results to only see news stories.

Click "Tools" to be able to filter by date

Be careful! Some results will come from unreliable sources

screen capture of google news search

Evaluating news sources

Types of news articles

Not all sources that look like "news" will suit your purposes. Decide what type of source you have before proceeding.

News stories

  • Information about recent events deemed to be interesting, important, or unusual enough to be newsworthy
  • Presents factual material journalist has observed or gathered from people, documents, etc.
  • Sources are sometimes, but not always, attributed in the story


  • Written by the editorial board of a news publication
  • Gives opinions on current issues and events

Opinion pieces

  • State the opinions of their named writers
  • Often in personal feature stories or columns

Investigative reporting

Reporting that sets out to discover something that "powerful individuals and institutions" (Sterling, 2009, p. 788) wish to remain a secret, often an alleged wrongdoing.

Some methods of investigative journalism:

  • Meticulous searching and cross-referencing of documents and databases in the public domain
  • Use of Freedom of Information laws to place more material in the public domain
  • Receiving leaks of secret information; persuading people to talk either on or off the record
  • Secret filming and/or recording, and using subterfuge to obtain evidence of wrongdoing


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Micaela Carignano
1050 Waldo Library