Now that you have a few broad topics, you need to select one that is appropriate for the assignment, has enough information available, and will hold your interest. For each of the topics you have generated, search a few keywords in Google, Library Search, and Google Scholar.
For help using Google, Library Search, and Google Scholar, check out these guides:
More than 14,000 pro/con viewpoint essays, 5,000+ topic overviews, 300+ primary source documents, 300+ biographies of social activists and reformers, more than 775 court-case overviews, 5 million periodical articles, nearly 6,000 statistical tables, charts and graphs, nearly 70,000 images and a link to Google Image Search, thousands of podcasts, including weekly presidential addresses, premier NPR programs and more.
CQ Researcher is often the first source that librarians recommend when researchers are seeking original, comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues in the news. Founded in 1923 as Editorial Research Reports, CQ Researcher is noted for its award-winning in-depth, unbiased coverage of health, social trends, criminal justice, international affairs, education, the environment, technology and the economy. Reports are published online 44 times a year by CQ Press, an imprint of Sage Publications.
You will deliver an argumentative presentation which means you take a position or view on a topic and offer an argument for that position.
Once you have a few possible topics, answer the following questions for each of them: