This is the most comprehensive ABI/INFORM database, comprised of ABI/INFORM Global, ABI/INFORM Trade and Industry, ABI/INFORM Dateline and ABI/INFORM Archive, featuring thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, key business and economics periodicals such as the Economist, country- and industry-focused reports, and downloadable data. Its international coverage gives researchers a complete picture of companies and business trends around the world.
This database compiles business information using primary and secondary research to create 10,000 company, 2,000 industry, and 50 country profiles. MarketLine includes daily updates of relevant news, comments and analysis, company history, and a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) within company profiles.
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Search hundreds of U.S. and state industry reports, including Core NAICS, Industry Market Research, Reports on the Business Environment, Industry Risk Ratings, and Global Industry Research.