The videos on this page provide students with quick demonstrations on how to navigate the library website and use Library Search.
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Transcript for Narrowing Databases by Subject or Type
Hi my name is Kate and I am an Instruction and Outreach Librarian at Western Michigan University. This video walks you through how to narrow down selection of database by subject and by type. From the homepage, go to the Find a Database action button under Library Search. You can immediately see that the databases are ogaized alphabetically and you can access them by title. It is sometimes easier, since we have hundreds of databases.You can use the subject drop down menu by subject or discipline.For example, under biological sciences, the subject librarian Carrie Leatherman has deamed the databases in this list as essential. Another way to narrow down the selection is by typ. For example, you can narrow down to only the news resource databases. Or Streaming video for example. If you ever have a question, you can find the get help widget and chat with a librarian.
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