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Workshop: Finding Open Access Resources

OA scholarly materials


At the repository level

A repository is a collection of other smaller OA sites and collections. Repositories are useful for searching for other OA collections. 

At the journal level

These are collections of OA journals. You can search by title and content keywords. 

At the institutional level 

Academic institutional repositories have off open access to scholarship often through preprints. Most institutions of higher education have an institutional scholarly repository. You can search by institution name and "OA" or "repository" They are often housed through the institution's library. Here are a few examples: 

At the author level

Authors often retain the right to their scholarship and make them available on scholarly sites. 

At the subject level 

Subject repositories are open to scholars all over the world who publish work in a particular discipline. Some of the larger ones include:

  • RePEc: Research Papers in Economics
  • arXiv: Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics
  • SSRN: Social Science Research Network
  • PLoS Public Library of Science
  • PubMed Central  Biomedicine and Life Sciences

Adapted from

OA books

A searchable and browsable database of open access books.

OA Theses and Dissertations

OA theses and dissertations through Ebsco