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Open Access Publishing

Guide adapted from Tulane University Libraries:

What are OA Repositories

Open Repository: An open repository is a digital storage and access service for researchers. It allows researchers to upload and permanently store their research publications for public access.

Preprint: A preprint is a scholarly piece of writing that is at some stage prior to publication in a journal. It may be a piece that has not yet been submitted for peer review. As some journals do not allow preprints to be made publicly available, it is important to review a journal's preprint policy.

Post-print: A post-print is a scholarly piece of writing that has gone through the peer review process and has had revisions made. Read your author's agreement closely to determine whether you may upload your post-print to an open access repository. A post-print may also be called an "Accepted Manuscript" or "Author Manuscript."

Select Repositories

Publishers Policies and Repositories or Open Access