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Try the following databases for articles in sociology and related areas:
Created and hosted by CQ Press, the CQ Press Library is the definitive reference resource for research in American government, politics, history, public policy, and current affairs. A wealth of CQ Press resources and years of journalistic and editorial expertise are combined in this indispensable reference collection. These reference products offer researchers—whether students, scholars, professionals, or interested citizens—a range of tools for discovering and understanding CQ Press's authoritative content. The suite includes CQ Almanac, CQ Researcher Plus Archive, Supreme Court Yearbook, and Politics in America.
Searchable and browsable database of U.S.and international criminal justice journals. The database includes abstract and indexing for over 400 titles, with more than 170 available in full-text from 1981-present.
Covers world-wide literature in psychology and related disciplines. Journal articles, technical reports, books, book chapters, and dissertations are included. Coverage from 1806 to Current. Updated weekly.
An international index to more than 700,000 articles, thesis and other records in athletic training, fitness, recreation, sport and sport management. Miscellaneous record/monograph coverage from 1800 to Current. Updated monthly.
There are many article databases for specific disciplines, such as communication, education, psychology, etc.
Choose one of our Library's Subject Guides for the recommended article databases in that field.