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SOC 4800: Sociology of Organizations

Lists suggestions for resources that contain data or articles related to organizations. Created for SOCIO 4800 Sociology of Organizations.

Journal Article and Newspaper Databases

You can use the Library's Catalog Advanced Search to find articles on your topic in the WMU collection.

If you want peer-reviewed articles or articles limited by a specific date range, or limited to a specific subject (topic, discipline), filter boxes are located on the left column. Then select the green filter button to filter your search. Library Search is interdisciplinary and will search all disciplines. In many cases, using an interdisciplinary search you will discover articles from subject areas you find valuable but had not considered prior to the search. That’s a good thing! 

Select this link for more information and tutorials about using Library Search  

Try the following databases for articles in sociology and related areas:

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Carrie Leatherman
Office: Waldo Library Room 1048 (First Floor)
Office Phone: (269) 387-5142