Provides access to more than 90 billion data points from dozens of licensed and public domain datasets. Scan the contents of the collection, select subjects and variables of interest, and view your data in side-by-side tables and charts. Results are instantaneous and can be easily exported.
Now includes State Stats, formerly on the Sage Stats platform
OECD features books, papers and statistics in the areas of Agriculture and Food; Energy; Environment, Finance and Investment, Governance, Industry and Services, Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology, Trade, Transport, Urban, Rural and Regional Development, Economics, Development, Education, Employment, Taxation, Social Issues, Migration and Health.
Please note: content published by IEA (International Energy Agency) is not available.
For best results please use Chrome for this database.
A searchable database of more than 700 development indicators, with time series for 208 countries and 18 country groups covering the time period 1960 to one year from today. Data from the World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world.
World Bank InfoFinder for iPhone and iPad is available in the app store. More information Here.