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ATYP: Conspiracy Theories


Different disciplines use different citation styles for various reasons. Be sure to consult with your professor before you choose a specific style to work with.

MLA Resources

This tab is dedicated to resources from both the library and the official Modern Language Association (MLA) of America's website to aid students in citing in-text sources, creating a bibliography/works cited page, and answer various citation questions. 

Print books - Official MLA Handbooks

Official MLA Style Guides

MLA Style Center - Get tips and tricks right from the source.
Works Cited: A Quick Guide - From the MLA Style Guide. A practice template is also provided.
Citations by Format If you are confident citing a book source but aren't sure how to cite a movie, website, etc, check out this page on the MLA Style Guide. 

How do I...?

Click on the question you have and the link should guide you to the answer on MLA's website.

For more information, check out MLA's FAQ Page. 

How do I cite...?

Q: YouTube videos?

Q: Social media?

Q: Sources in a web project?

Q: A poem with no line numbers?

Q: The main idea of a work?

Q: A virtual poetry reading?

Q: An illustrator of a children's book?

Q: A paper presented at a virtual conference?

Q: My own work?

Q: An open educational resource (OER)?

How-To Videos

For more videos on citing sources, see the Citation section of the WMU Libraries YouTube channel.