We use the Library of Congress classification for music. Very briefly:
M 1-3 Collections, anthologies
M 5-1480 Instrumental music
M 5-175 Solo instrument
M 177-990 Two or more instruments (Trios at M 300; quartets, M 400, etc.)
M 1000 Orchestra
M 1495-2199 Vocal music
M 1500-1508 Opera and musicals
M 1530-1609 Secular choral
M 1611-1624 Secular vocal
M 1999-2199 Sacred vocal & choral
M 2000-2003 Oratorios
M 2010-2013 Masses, requiems, etc.
Library of Congress subject headings are used to describe books and music.
Find books, articles, and more at WMU
Find music scores in the library using Library Search (search box to the left). Hints:
Note about scores from free sites: Most are in the public domain (no longer under copyright), and were published before 1923. The library may have newer editions in print.
Classical Scores Library, volume 1 contains more than 50,000 scores in PDF files for printing. Search specific composers, works, genres, instrument, time periods, etc., or browse the collection. Links to the audio recordings in Classical Music Library allow users to listen while viewing the score.
These are generally the most authoritative editions of a composer's works. They are shelved at M 3.
To find a work in the editions: find the composer's biography in Grove Music Online (in Oxford Music Online) and go to the list of works. It usually indicates in which volume of the edition(s) a work appears.
Access to Oxford Music Online is under the Dictionaries & Encyclopedias tab above.
Composers' thematic catalogs (Ref ML134) may also have this information.
The Michigan eLibrary catalog and resource sharing system. Search for books and other materials in many Michigan libraries. You will need your WIN in order to request materials.
Comprehensive catalog of books and other materials in libraries around the world. Contains millions of records in hundreds of languages. Items located through WorldCat must be requested through Interlibrary Loan unless they are also listed in the WMU libraries catalog. (Library Search)
Nonbook materials include (among other publication formats) journals and magazines, manuscripts, maps, electronic resources, websites, computer programs, musical scores, films, slides, sound recordings, conference proceedings, and videotapes and discs.