For this assignment you will use two different approaches to finding articles.
You will use two databases to find information about authors.
1. Type the name of the author (lastname, firstname)
2. Select "Person by or about" from drop down menu
3. In "By Content Type" select "Biographies"
1. Click on the title of the article you want to read.
1. use the tools in the upper right hand corner to save, download, print, or cite this document.
2. Use the tools in the pdf reader to move through the document.
1. Search by author "lastname, first".
2. Select "SA Subject Author" from dropdown menu.
3. Select Biographies from "Document Type"
1. There are 6 articles.
2. Each article has a link to read the full text.
1. The tools on the right hand side allow you to print, save, email, help cite the document.
2. You need to scroll down on this page to get to the full article.
Literary criticism is the study of literature. Use these databases to find information about a specific short story. You will use three databases to find information.
1. Type the title of short story
2. Be sure to read only literary criticism.
Do not read a review or the short story itself.
1. Click on the pdf to get the full text.
2. Tools on the right allow you to cite print email, etc...
1. Search by short story title
2. Limit to Literature Criticism
3. Click on title to access the article.