This guide will assist users interested in Environment, GIS, Urban Planning, Tourism as well as Geography in general. It is recommended that users make use of other subject guides as appropriate.
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Indexes virtually all doctoral dissertations and many masters theses produced in the U.S. since 1861. Dissertations from other countries date back to 1637. Abstracts available from 1980. Full-text for dissertations are being added continually. Most since 1997 are full-text, though some authors choose not to make their work available. Print and microfilm copies are offered for a fee, but request the item via Interlibrary Loan before paying for a copy.
New search functionality includes metadata from Clarivate's Citation Connection. To ensure your search results take advantage of this new functionality, please add “AND ref(1)“ to your search terms.
Bibliometric analysis is a way to measure the impact of research by tracking how often articles are cited. You can use bibliometrics to evaluate the impact of journals or authors. The guide below explains how to use bibliometrics.