Books and other materials may be returned to Waldo Library or one of the branch libraries on campus or through one of our convenient drop boxes:
Waldo Library -- Two convenient locations: 1. Outside book return drop box near the front doors of the library. 2. Outside book return drop box, on the curbside wall of the the building on Arcadia Street.
Education Library -- Two convenient locations: 1. Inside book return drop slot in the Education Library, to the left of the circulation desk. 2. Outside book return drop box, at the curbside, in the cul-de-sac of Sangren Hall's north entrance. Pick up times are Monday through Friday at 10:30 a.m.
Engineering Campus (Parkview) -- Drop box is on first floor, near front entrance and Lecture Hall D-115. Pick up is at 9:15 a.m.
College of Health & Human Services Campus -- Drop box is on first floor, near the Learning Resource Center. Pick up is at 9:30 a.m.
Haworth College of Business -- Drop box is on first floor, by entrance closest to the Fetzer Center. Pick up is at 10 a.m.