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Tutorial: Using the Library Level 1 Humanities and Social Sciences COM 6010

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Welcome Students!

Using the Library Tutorial Level 1

Welcome Students

This suite of videos and interactive tutorials is a replacement for library search typically done in person or synchronously online. The modules in this series cover the essential information literacy topics  courses in the humanities and social sciences hat have a research component. 

Who is this tutorial is for:

Anyone new to the WMU LIbraries and researching information in the humanities and social sciences. 

Topics covered

  • Developing a research topic
  • Understanding different types of sources
  • Finding and evaluating scholarly information
  • Using WMU Libraries
  • Academic integrity and plagiarism
  • How to cite with APA 7th
  • How to cite with MLA 8th

Activities include

All modules have a combination of the following types of actives:

  • videos (between 3-5 minutes)
  • interactive tutorials (approximately 10-15 slides) 
  • graded quizzes (5 questions with results sent via email)

How long will this take? 

  • This tutorial  should take between 45 minutes to an hour.

How to get credit

  • If your instructor has assigned this tutorial, you will need to watch the videos, complete the interactive tutorials and pass the quizzes.
  • After you pass each quiz, you will be sent an email with a certificate. 
  • Follow your instructors instructions on how to submit it to them. 


Welcome Instructors!

Using the Library Tutorial, Level 1

Welcome Instructors

This suite of videos and interactive tutorials is a replacement for library search typically done in person or synchronously online. The modules in this series cover the essential information literacy topics  courses in the humanities and social sciences hat have a research component. 

Who this tutorial is for:

Anyone new to the WMU LIbraries and researching information in the humanities and social sciences. 

Topics covered

  • Developing a research topic
  • Understanding different types of sources
  • Finding and evaluating scholarly information
  • Using WMU Libraries
  • Research focus: Literary analysis for English, Spanish, World languages and literatures
  • Research focus: Comparative Religion, Gender and Women's Studies, and Philosophy
  • Research Focus: Communication 
  • Academic integrity and plagiarism
  • How to cite in APA 7th
  • How to cite in MLA 8th

Activities include

All modules have a combination of the following types of actives:

  • videos (between 3-5 minutes)
  • interactive tutorials (approximately 10-15 slides) 
  • graded quizzes (5 questions with results sent via email)

How long will this take? 

  • This tutorial should take between 45 minutes to an hour.

How to use this guide with your class

You can use all or some of the content. It is fully adaptable and ready for plug-and-play in an online learning environment.

Option 1

Use this guide and you can assign this entire module as an assignment. Students will get emails of their quizzes that could then be uploaded to an elearning dropbox. The entire guide url is stable: 

  • Pros: One assignment that can be completed in about an hour
  • Cons: There are 5 quiz certificates that need to be uploaded. 

Option 2

Use this guide and you can assign different sections over a period of time. URLS to each section are stable: 

  • Pros: Information is built over time, can assign as it relates to your course and assignments
  • Cons: multiple drop boxes will need to be created in elearning

Option 3

Add me to your elearning shell and I can create links to these modules or embed the content directly into elearning.