This list includes important regional repositories in the U.S. and some international consortiums in Europe which are less commonly known.
Selected digital image collections and digitized edited texts either purchased by WMU or developed by consortia. Too many libraries have digitized manuscripts to list here.
Contains the complete texts, which were published between 1643 and 1940, of all the lives of the ancient, medieval and modern saints. Serves as an electronic index for 68 volumes of saints' lives.
The Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature (ACLL) is a full-text database of the corpus of Latin literature produced in Celtic-speaking Europe, together with the Latin works of the Continental ‘perigrini’, from the period 400-1200 A.D. The database contains more than five hundred Latin works by over a hundred known and unknown authors, spanning the fields of theology, liturgy, computistics, grammar, hagiography, poetry and historiography, and including legal texts, charters, inscriptions, etc.
The ACLL is part of Brepolis Latin Complete, a cluster of databases relating to the study of Latin.
The Aristoteles Latinus Database (ALD) contains, first of all, those texts that have been critically edited in the printed Aristoteles Latinus series. In January 2017 the database has been enriched with Latin translations of Aristotle’s works published outside the Aristoles Latinus series, with the translations of Greek commentaries on Aristotle and with other texts associated with the Corpus Aristotelicum.
The ALD is part of Brepolis Latin Complete, a cluster of databases relating to the study of Latin.
This database gathers 3037 individual texts comprising a complete record of Old English. Arranged as a contextual dictionary, words or word fragment searches lead to hits everywhere these appear in an OE text.
The Library of Latin Texts includes classical texts from the Bibliotheca scriptorum Romanorum Teubneriana, patristic and medieval texts from the Corpus Christianorum as well as the Vulgate, the Ecumenical Councils and Gratian's Decretum.
The LLT is part of Brepolis Latin Complete, a cluster of databases relating to the study of Latin.
This interface allows the user to search various Latin full-text databases simultaneously, namely the Library of Latin Texts, Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature and the Aristoteles Latinus Database.
The CDS is part of Brepolis Latin Complete, a cluster of databases relating to the study of Latin.
Parker Library on the Web is an open source digital collection of medieval manuscripts held by the Parker Library at Corpus Christi College at Cambridge University, UK. 538 manuscripts (many of them famous) are available as high-resolution full-text with extensive tagging and complete codicological descriptions and a wide variety of features which enhance study of these materials.
The Special Collections and Rare Book Department at Waldo Library has manuscripts (by virtue of WMU's permanent loan agreement through the Center for Cistercian and Monastic Studies and Gethsemani Abbey, Trappist, KY) and facsimilies of medieval manuscripts available for consultation from 9-5 Monday to Friday when classes are in session.