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Research Impact Challenge

Disciplinary Repositories

Disciplinary Repositories list is part of the Open Access Directory provided by Simmons University. from This is a list of OA disciplinary repositories (also called central or subject repositories). Unless otherwise noted, they accept relevant deposits regardless of the author's institutional affiliation.

Open Access Repositories

Open Repository: An open repository is a digital storage and access service for researchers. It allows researchers to upload and permanently store their research publications for public access.

Preprint: A preprint is a scholarly piece of writing that is at some stage prior to publication in a journal. It may be a piece that has not yet been submitted for peer review. As some journals do not allow preprints to be made publicly available, it is important to review a journal's preprint policy.

Post-print: A post-print is a scholarly piece of writing that has gone through the peer review process and has had revisions made. Read your author's agreement closely to determine whether you may upload your post-print to an open access repository. A post-print may also be called an "Accepted Manuscript" or "Author Manuscript."


ScholarWorks at WMU is a digital showcase of the research, scholarly and creative output of members of the Western Michigan University community. The ScholarWorks repository is administered by the WMU Libraries and serves as a permanent digital archive for these materials.

ScholarWorks, the repository of scholarly works contains actual content - uploaded articles, papers, posters, newsletters, images, etc. by WMU faculty, students and staff, or content that the WMU faculty has worked with in some way. This is organized by department or other unit at the university.


Complete the Challenge

Check the ScholarWorks @ WMU site to see if your department already has a category to which you could add your materials. Browse through the list of Disciplinary Repositories to find some appropriate options for sharing the kinds of work you do.

Complete the form here with your answers.

Open Access at WMU

Permissions to Put Work in ScholarWorks

For full text of student and faculty work to appear in the ScholarWorks repository, each author has to give permission. For work like dissertations, masters & honors theses and research posters, we need a signed ScholarWorks Access Agreement. Each author has the right to embargo their work for a while