Find all Libraries events and workshops. Some require registration, others are available for drop in participation.
This guide contains five activities designed to help researchers:
The activities are presented as daily "challenges" that researchers might accomplish over the course of the week. However, each activity stands alone and can be completed separately from the others. You should feel free to select the activities that are most relevant to you and complete them in any order you wish.
This challenge is for anyone who is interested in understanding and improving the reach and impact of their research. If you are a graduate student, or researcher who has few, if any, publications, these challenges are for you too. If you are just getting started with scholarly activities and publications, these challenges can help you get set up for success, and improve your impact and reach right from the start.
Use the tabs on the left to navigate to each of the activities:
Each challenge includes a form to submit if you would like credit for the challenge. If you complete all five activities we will send you a certificate of completion as a PDF.
This guide is adapted from the following sources:
Research Impact Challenge at the University of Michigan
Research Impact Challenge at the University of Nevada- Las Vegas
Getting Published: Being an Author at Hofstra / Northwell
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Feel free to reuse, remix, or republish but please credit the authors for their work.
Created by: Michele D. Behr
If you need help with any of these challenges contact Michele Behr, Scholarly Communications and Open Education Librarian.
You can also set up an appointment at the calendar here: