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Workshop: Scholarly Publication

Finding the Best Publication Option to Maximize Your Impact While Avoiding “Predatory Publishers”

Workshop Outline


Topics covered in this workshop:

  1. Identifying potential journals for publication
  2. Investigating acceptance rates, review process, etc. 
  3. Impact factors and altmetrics
  4. Open access publishing options 
  5. Avoiding "predatory" publishers


Identifying Journals of Interest

Compile a short list of journals you are potentially interested in submitting your research to.

  • Known journals
  • Journals published by societies you are familiar with
  • Citation tracking for similar publications 
  • Journal directories such as Ulrichs, DOAJ, etc. 


  1. Does the journal accept the methodology of your research?
  2. Is the length of your paper within the limits of the journal?
  3. Does your funding agency require you to publish in an open access journal?
  4. If you choose an open access journal, is there an article processing fee?
  5. What is the citation style used? 

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