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Primary Documents in Political Science

Document Collections

Annals of America.  E 173 .A15 1994 (Ref)
This is the most comprehensive set of primary source documents for U.S. history prior to 1968. Over 2,000 documents are reproduced in this multi-volume set arranged in chronological order from 1493 to 1968. The various indexes are a gold mine of information about U.S. history.

Online Documents

Image of the American flag and link to the AMDOCS web site

This site, AMDOCS, presents a chronological selection of full-text documents relating to the history of the United States, beginning in the 11th century through the year 2005.

Meet Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Carrie Leatherman
Office: Waldo Library Room 1048 (First Floor)
Office Phone: (269) 387-5142