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PSY 3300 Advanced Research Methods: Citing Sources in APA Style

Citing Tip

Many databases format citations you have found into one of the common styles.

Look for "Cite this" or "Cite" or a similar link.

Identifying Parts of a Citation

Title of article? Title of the journal? Author? Three authors? Volume? Issue number?

Being able to identify the parts of a citation for a book or article is the first step toward citing it correctly.

Check out this page from Nash Community College.

Most Popular Style Guides

The Department of Communication uses a number of different style guides. Be sure and ask your instructor which one you should use.

Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL)

provides an online user-friendly, comprehensive guide for students that includes many examples of how to cite print and non-print sources in the most common writing styles, such as APA or MLA.


Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
BF 76.7 .C66 (Ref Desk Coll, , Educ Ref)

provides detailed guidelines for citing sources in written manuscripts. Originally developed by the American Psychological Association (APA), this style manual is used by many other disciplines besides psychology.

Get Your APA Game On!

Try this Citation Game and test your identification skills.