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Using Zotero

Use Zotero to save and organize your citations. Collaborate with other users and generate bibliographies.

Installing the Add-ons

The Microsoft Word "add-in" may already be installed when you install Zotero 7.0. To check this, and install the "add-in" if necessary, go to Zotero settings. Then click the "Cite" link on the right (see screenshot below).

Zotero settings options for the Microsoft Word add-in

Creating a bibliography using Zotero MS Word Add-on

1)    With your cursor, click where you want your citation to appear in the document.

2)    Select “Zotero” tab in MS Word.        
3)    Click “Add/Edit Citation.”

Add or edit citation

4)    Search for your citation using author name, keywords, or part of the title. Then select it.

Search box in Zotero to search for a citation

5)    Hit "Enter." This will add the in-text citation to your document.

6)    If prompted, set preferences for your document’s citation style.

Set citation style

7)    Click “Add/Edit Bibliography.”

Add or edit bibliography

8)    Bibliography in your chosen style will be added to the END of your document.