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Libraries 101: Getting Started at the WMU Libraries

This guide introduces you to the buildings, services, research support available through the WMU Libraries.

Libraries Website

WMU Libraries Website

To access any materials, services, or spaces you must use the library website.

Find books and articles

The library website is robust. It is a collection of hundreds of resources to help you you search, browse and access digital or physical content.

Access services and spaces

Access reservation tools for services and spaces across the WMU Libraries system.

Get help 

Find an expert. to help you with your academic work. 

Library Search

Library Search 

Library Search is on the home page and is our main research tool for finding books and articles. 

  • You can get the books yourself or have the held or shipped to you. 
  • Your Bronco ID card  is your library card. You will need your Bronco Id card to print as well. 
  • You can borrow up to100 items
  • Loan periods are typically until the end of the current semester.
  • You can renew materials online through your account in Library Search 
  • See Checking out and renewing  items from WMU for more information 

Different ways to browse

Different ways to find information

There are different ways to browse information. Library search does it all or you can search or browse  by  a specific type of information. But you can also do some really focused browsing by using one of the hundreds of resources. For example, you can browse by

Call Numbers

Reading Call Numbers

Waldo Library is organized by the Library of Congress Call number system. In order to find a book, yo use Library Search to find the call number and then use that call number to locate the book in the library. 

 If you want to learn more about how books are organized in the library, sign up for the Demystifying Call Numbers workshop.