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A Framework for Flourishing with Information

Various Measurements for Flourishing and Well-being

Social Provisions Scale.  

Cutrona & Russell, 1988

Measures attachment, social integration, reassurance of worth, reliable alliance, guidance, and opportunity for nurturance.

Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS)

Zimet, et al, 1988

Assesses perceived levels of social support from family, friends, and significant others.

Social Connectedness Scale (rev.)  Lee & Robbins, 1995  Measures how youth feel connected to the ir social environment. 

Short Form Questionnaire of the Mental Health Continuum

Keyes, 2005

Measures emotional well-being and flourishing and specific to higher education

The Flourishing Scale 

Diener et al, 2009

Respondents measure various aspects of their lives including happiness, life satisfaction, health, both mental and physical; meaning and purpose; character, virtue, and relationships.

Social Integration Scale 

Monserud & Peek, 2014

Measures social support and integration for LatinX students.

Student Belongingness, Engagement and Self-Confidence Survey

 Yorke, 2016

Measures student motivation, engagement, and confidence in the university setting.

Flourish Measure

VanderWeele, 2017

The "Flourish" measure consists of two questions or items from each of the domains. Each of the questions is assessed on a scale of 0 - 10. The flourishing index score is obtained by summing the scores from each of the ten questions and results in a total score.

ACRL Project Outcome for Academic Libraries

ACRL, 2019

Measure the outcome of confidence due to library programming such as instruction or programming

The Flourishing at School Scale

Fanchini, et al, 2019

Measures children’s well-being and creativity in primary schools in France

Multidimensional measure of well being

Scalas, 2023

Companion to the Well Being Profile model (Huppert). 

Digital Flourishing Scale

Janicke-Bowles et al., 2023

Measures connectedness, civility, and authentic self-disclosure in online environments

Flourishing with Information Assessment 

(Langan, 2024)

1. I learned something new from this Library event.

Strongly Disagree      Disagree       Neither     Agree    Strongly Agree        N/A

2. What did you like most about this Library event?

3. I believe the Library will help me succeed academically because of events like this. 

Strongly Disagree      Disagree       Neither     Agree    Strongly Agree        N/A

4. I feel more confident as a student because of events like this in the Library.

Strongly Disagree      Disagree       Neither     Agree    Strongly Agree        N/A

5.  I have a stronger sense of belonging on campus because of events like this in the Library.

Strongly Disagree      Disagree       Neither     Agree    Strongly Agree        N/A

6. I feel I belong in the library because of events like this.

Strongly Disagree      Disagree       Neither     Agree    Strongly Agree        N/A

7. I feel more connected to campus because of events like this in the library.

Strongly Disagree      Disagree       Neither     Agree    Strongly Agree        N/A

8. In the future, I will consider the Library as a place where I can connect to campus resources because of events like this.

Strongly Disagree      Disagree       Neither     Agree    Strongly Agree        N/A