Explores a current news issue in-depth each week. Articles contain an overview and background of the issue, pro-con essays on a question related to the issue, a chronology, and a lengthy bibliography.
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Use the asterisk (*) in most databases as a wildcard or truncation symbol. For example: delinquen* will retriece delinquent, delinquents, or delinquency.
Try the following databases for articles in sociology and related areas:
Searchable and browsable database of U.S.and international criminal justice journals. The database includes abstract and indexing for over 400 titles, with more than 170 available in full-text from 1981-present.
This federally funded powerhouse of CJ services and reference information summarizes over 160,000 publications in its abstracts database, including government reports, books, articles, and published and unpublished research reports. An exclusively full-text NCJRS Virtual Library is also available. Most items not available full-text online can be purchased from NCJRS. A full array of services can be had at no cost by registering online.
This is a comprehensive resource that includes more than 8,000 news publications from nearly 200 countries worldwide, including major national and international newspapers, as well as local and regional titles.
Provides the Access World News Research Collection with full-text articles from over 4500 U.S. and international newspapers, wire services, and broadcasts. There is access to America's Historical Newspapers, as well as Hot Topics and Special Reports on current issues in the news.
Covers world-wide literature in psychology and related disciplines. Journal articles, technical reports, books, book chapters, and dissertations are included. Coverage from 1806 to Current. Updated weekly.