Learning Objectives
- Researchers will know how to distinguish between topics they’re curious about and those they merely like
- Researchers will understand the risks associated with having an extremely strong opinion on a topic
- Researchers will know how to use questions to generate a specific and focused research topic
- Researchers will understand that academic research involves learning things they don’t know, not simply proving what they think they do
Finding a Topic You Are Curious About
- Very good for most classes if the students are allowed to choose their own topic.
- 2m 35s
The Trouble with Strong Opinions
- Good for students writing persuasive topics and they can choose their own topic, if time permits. It is kind of a long piece.
- 1m 24s
Asking Questions
- More in-depth look at forming a research question – recommends exploring a little.
- Useful as a follow-up to the earlier choosing a topic modules, if time permits.
- 2m 40s
Finding a Gap in the Literature
- Helps students get past the obvious topics that are overdone.
- Would be very good for all beginning to intermediate classes if students are allowed to choose their own topic.
- 1 m 48s
Narrowing Your Topic
- Presents a few ways to narrow are listed.
- Good for beginning to intermediate classes but a bit limited. May have to expand the content on your own.
- 2m 47s
Marijuana Legalization Example
- Pretty advanced suggestions for narrowing the topic.
- Would use in more advanced classes.
- 2m 21s
No Easy Topics
- Would be very good in most classes if students are allowed to choose their own topics.
- 0m 58s
- Uses the Topic Aid tool, which has limitations as a search tool (see below).
- Would not use with classes until the Topic Aid tool is perfected.
- Good explanation of advanced terms related to a hypothesis, etc.
- Would use in any classes requiring a hypothesis, etc.
Topic Aid
- Does not work well with inquiries involving extraneous words, which students tend to include in their search queries. Also, the articles it generated had a note that said do not use in a formal research paper – kind of confusing. Needs perfecting.