Access to the weekly magazine for the most recent five years, including intraday stories, market and global equity indices, yield curves, global bonds, commodities, and more.
FIRST: Register for an account.
First time registrants MUST follow this link and use their email addresses to register for a Barron's account.
For the security of the WMU network, please make sure that your password on the Barron's platform is different from the password associated with your BroncoNet ID
NEXT: Log in using this link or the link at the top of this entry with your newly created WMU account, and check your email inbox or spam folder for a confirmation message from Barron's.
NOTE: Users may also see an "Order Confirmation" email, which can be ignored. Barron's is currently working on deactivating this message for WMU users.
Mobile APPS: Your WMU account access to Barron's also includes access to the platform through through the mobile app in the app store and on Google Play.
Search over 7,000 stocks and 13,000 mutual funds to determine where to invest your money. Identify stocks and funds that meet your criteria and read reports prepared by Morningstar analysts. Obtain an analysis of your current portfolio or see how the stocks and funds you select work together to form a balanced portfolio.
This subscription is limited to three simultaneous users. Please log out when finished.
Search essential banking industry publications for information about the financial services industry, banking and industry trends. Coverage from 1905 to Current.
Access to the weekly magazine for the most recent five years, including intraday stories, market and global equity indices, yield curves, global bonds, commodities, and more.
FIRST: Register for an account.
First time registrants MUST follow this link and use their email addresses to register for a Barron's account.
For the security of the WMU network, please make sure that your password on the Barron's platform is different from the password associated with your BroncoNet ID
NEXT: Log in using this link or the link at the top of this entry with your newly created WMU account, and check your email inbox or spam folder for a confirmation message from Barron's.
NOTE: Users may also see an "Order Confirmation" email, which can be ignored. Barron's is currently working on deactivating this message for WMU users.
Mobile APPS: Your WMU account access to Barron's also includes access to the platform through through the mobile app in the app store and on Google Play.
Execucomp with executive compensation for S&P 1000 firms from 1992 to present. Includes base salary, bonus, and stock option data as well as company financial data. Capital IQ North America and Capital IQ Global with fundamental and market information on active and inactive publicly held companies.
Account approval is mediated, which will cause a time delay between requesting access and receiving an account confirmation message. There are several account types. You can click here for a complete list and description of account types.
WMU users who otherwise do not qualify for any of the listed account types can register for an Access Pass here. Accessing the WRDS platform through this method does not provide disk storage or access to the WRDS computing cloud."> Classroom Tools by WRDS is a teaching and learning toolkit designed specifically for faculty who are introducing finance and business concepts in the classroom.
Search hundreds of U.S. and state industry reports, including Core NAICS, Industry Market Research, Reports on the Business Environment, Industry Risk Ratings, and Global Industry Research.
Includes Mergent's Annual Reports and Moody's Manuals. Access more than 85 years of Annual Reports for companies across the globe through Mergent Archives' historical annual report collection dating back to as early as 1925. Beginning with the very first Moody's Manual published in 1909, Mergent offers you more than a century's worth of global corporate data fully digitized into high quality, PDF formatted documents.
Search over 7,000 stocks and 13,000 mutual funds to determine where to invest your money. Identify stocks and funds that meet your criteria and read reports prepared by Morningstar analysts. Obtain an analysis of your current portfolio or see how the stocks and funds you select work together to form a balanced portfolio.
This subscription is limited to three simultaneous users. Please log out when finished.
Full-text access to over 10,000 news, business, and legal sources, including both deep archive and up-to-the-minute stories in regional, national, and international newspapers, wire services, broadcast transcripts, and non-English language news services. Company Dossier can be used to retrieve detailed company information and financial performance measures, or to identify and compare companies matching specific criteria. Also included is Shepard's Citations service for all federal and state court cases 1789-present.
NOTE: Users must register for a NexisUni account using their WMU email address in order to save content and searches on this platform.
NOTE: WRDS is upgrading account security by utilizing Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) by Duo Security. To learn more about WRDS two-factor authentication, please visit the following links:
How to Log In to WRDS Using WRDS 2FA by Duo
Duo Security's Enrollment Guide
WRDS provides WMU users with over 50 datasets across multiple disciplines including accounting, banking, economics, finance, healthcare, insurance, marketing, statistics, and more. Users must create an account with their email address.
First-time users must request approval for an account by clicking Register at the top of the WRDS home page. Account approval is mediated, which will cause a time delay between requesting access and receiving a confirmation message. There are several account types. You can click here for a complete list and description of account types.
WMU users who otherwise do not qualify for any of the listed account types can register for an Access Pass here. Accessing the WRDS platform through this method does not provide disk storage or access to the WRDS computing cloud.
Classroom Tools by WRDS is a teaching and learning toolkit designed specifically for faculty who are introducing finance and business concepts in the classroom.
Westlaw's research service redesigned for students. Legal sources, including the Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Register, United States Code Annotated (USCA), Federal and State court cases, American Law Reports (ALR), American Jurisprudence 2d, Black's Law Dictionary, Legal Guides, and more. Also includes more than 700 law reviews and journals.
Citations sent using Westlaw's email option do not provide a permalink that can be used to link directly to a case. Users are encouraged to log into Westlaw and then search for the citation(s) received via email, and when sending cases, to select the radio button for "documents" instead of "list of items" when using the email option.
Added January 3, 2014.