Detailed listings of journals providing publishing opportunities. Coverage includes journals in business, computer science, education, psychology, and health administration. Includes address, contact information, and guidelines for submitting manuscripts for each journal listed.
The number one source of news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators. Features the complete contents of the latest issue, current job listings, Includes archives back to 1989.
To access this resource from anywhere, visit The Chronicle and create a free account or log in with your existing account. You can download The Chronicle iPad app by visiting App Store to download the app for your iPad.
Note: Access does NOT include Daily Briefing Newsletter.
Indexes journals in nursing and related fields with full-text for 1,300 of them. From 1954 to the present. Updated weekly.
Listen to recordings from dozens of classical music labels, including Arabesque, Bridge, EMI, Hanssler, Hyperion, and Newport Classic. Browse or search by composer, title, artist, label, genre, etc., and create your own playlists. Reference section includes composer biographies, a dictionary of terms, and other features. Apps for some mobile devices available!
This subscription is limited to six simultaneous users. Close the browser to end the session when finished.
Classical Scores Library, volume 1 contains more than 50,000 scores in PDF files for printing. Search specific composers, works, genres, instrument, time periods, etc., or browse the collection. Links to the audio recordings in Classical Music Library allow users to listen while viewing the score.
ClinicalKey, which replaces and contains most of the content from MD Consult, is an online search tool which brings answers from the largest collection of published medical resources in every medical and surgical specialty, and includes all MEDLINE abstracts with medical and surgical content from Elsevier. It contains comprehensive content with the most current, evidence-based answers available for all medical and surgical specialties, including over 1,000 top books, over 500 top journals and over 13,000 procedural videos.
Users who capture URLs from the Email Citations feature in ClinicalKey may have issues connecting to ClinicalKey resources from off campus with those URLs. The Email Citations URL includes a # sign, which breaks the URL and sends the user to the main ClinicalKey search page instead of to the resource. ClinicalKey is currently working on restructuring their URLs in order to fix this issue. The persistent links will work, but only if users are already logged into ClinicalKey through the proxy. Off-campus users who add the proxy prepend to links from emailed citations should make sure they are logged into ClinicalKey before copying and pasting their links into the address bar.
Access to thousands of papers concerning English activities in the American, Canadian, and West Indian colonies between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. Also included is a digitised version of The Calendar of State Papers, Colonial: North America and the West Indies 1574-1757, which contains bibliographic records and extracts for thousands of additional documents.
Indexes and abstracts articles from over 150 journals, and other literature in the area of communications disorders, with a concentration on speech-language pathology and audiology. Covers 1950 to the present, with some coverage back to 1911. The Dome offers features not found in typical research databases: * Save and share - annotate and share results with others * Authors' Database - detailed author profiles with contact information and linked publication records * Exporting - into management software such as Endnote and Procter.
Content from publications worldwide pertaining to Communication, Linguistics, Rhetoric and Discourse, Speech-Language Pathology, Media Studies, and other relevant fields. This database features a subject-specific thesaurus with 4,528 preferred and 8,528 non-preferred terms, as well as searchable cited references to help researchers retrieve the records most relevant to their search queries.
The most comprehensive index for scholarly research in engineering and applied science. Includes conference papers and foreign language material. Coverage from 1969 to Current, updated weekly.
Consultants & Consulting Organizations describes thousands of consultancies that operate in the US and Canada. More than 400 specialties are represented, including finance, computers, fundraising, advertising and many others. Entries typically include: name of firm or consultant; full contact information, including address, phone, fax, Web site URL, company and personnel e-mails; names, certification and titles of executive officers; description of activities and areas of expertise; special services offered; geographic areas served; information about publications and videos; titles of seminars, workshops and programs offered; and branch office locations and contact details.
Part of the Literature Resource Center, this directory provides brief biographical information about more than 120,000 authors from the US and elsewhere. Includes writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, journalism, and many other fields.
This expanding set, currently numbering more than 70 print volumes, provides biographical essays about influential people of African descent around the globe who have made significant contributions in their own countries and/or worldwide. Part of the Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Designed for training and research in the helping professions, this database contains several hundred videos consisting of counseling sessions and demonstrations, consultations, lectures, presentations, interviews, teaching and discussion guides, and more. Volume II contans special emphasis on contemporary topics, featuring world-renowned therapists demonstrating their methods and techniques. The collection also includes documentaries providing insight into the human condition and training in skills such as reflection and empathy. Volume III focuses on new and emerging areas (such as cyberbullying, mindfulness, and social media) and the current therapy environment (such as veterans, eating disorders, and autism). Can be searched in various ways. Users may also create personalized clips and play lists. Contains over 1400 hours of streaming videos.
Full-text online from over 400 encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference books. Search a topic, build a concept map, or browse information sources organized by subject. Find text, images, sound files, sortable data tables and more.
Searchable and browsable database of U.S.and international criminal justice journals. The database includes abstract and indexing for over 400 titles, with more than 170 available in full-text from 1981-present.